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French Press Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee With French Press

When the weather gets a little hotter, it’s time for cold coffee. Everyone loves cold brew coffee for its silky smooth texture and sweet fruity flavor. Did you know that it’s easy to make at home? And you don’t need fancy gear, only a French press.

The advantage of this method is that it’s cleaner and easier than other traditional methods. It makes the coffee easy to strain, just plunge, and drink! 

What is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew is coffee brewed with cold water instead of hot water. It takes longer to brew because it relies on time to extract the vital flavor of the coffee beans. If you’re wondering about making it, don’t worry, it’s simple.

Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate

Cold Brew French Press

Our favorite cold brew recipe is cold brew concentrates, meaning the coffee produced with this method is stronger than the typical coffee. We like it because it produces quite flavorful coffee without bitterness. That’s why cold brew’s popularity is increasing day by day.
If you love a strong taste, you can drink it straight, but if you want a lower strength, you can add water, milk, or ice; this is great if you want to share it with somebody with a different taste.

It is also perfect for making a large pitcher of cold brew. You only need storage space in your refrigerator to drink it in a one-to-one mixture with water.

This coffee concentrate can stay good in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Okay, it’s enough about concentrates. Here’s the recipe.

Cold Brew French Press Ratio

The coffee-to-water ratio in the French press differs from the standard cold brew ratio! You’ll need more coffee in a French press to get the same result in cold brew concentrate.

Here’s what to know:

  • Coffee-to-water ratio. The ratio in a French press is 1:6 by weight. In grams, it’s 100 grams of coffee to 600 grams of water.

How to Make Cold Brew in a French Press


  • 100 grams coffee beans (preferably dark roasted)
  • Room temperature water


  • French press
  • Coffee grinder
  • Kitchen scale
  • Paper filter (optional)

1. Weigh and Grind Your Coffee.

Take 100 g (approximately 3.5 ounces) of dark-roasted coffee beans using the scale. Grind them very coarsely, even coarser than standard French press coffee.

2. Add Ground Coffee and Cold Water to Your French Press.

Take 600 ml (approximately 21 ounces) of cold filtered water. Add coarsely ground coffee and then water in the French press.

3. Mix and Let The Coffee Steep.

Mix until all the grounds are wet. Leave it at room temperature on the kitchen counter for 12 to 24 hours (16 hours recommended).

4. Plunge and Strain.

Press the plunger down until you meet the ground at the bottom. Refrain from squeezing the ground against the bottom. Then pour the cold brew concentrate into a container or pitcher for serving and storage.

5. Adding a Paper Filter.

We can add another step (a paper filtering step) to make your cold brew better and much cleaner by removing the fine particles left behind by the plunger. The filtering process is especially important when you make a large batch and plan to consume it for several days. If coffee grounds are left in the concentrate, they will continue the extracting process and make your brew more bitter.

Cold Brew Coffee vs Iced Coffee

The term “Cold brew” refers to the coffee’s brewing method. It is often used for making iced coffee, but it doesn’t have to be served as an iced coffee. You can also make a hot cold brew coffee by mixing the cold brewed concentrate with hot water, hot cocoa, or warm milk.

On the other hand, Iced coffee can be made using cold or hot brew. For those interested in exploring a variety of iced coffee recipes, our article “12 Amazing Iced Coffee Recipes for Summer 2023” offers an exciting range of options to enjoy this summer.

Recipe FAQ

Do I have to make a French press cold brew in the refrigerator? My French press won’t fit!

No! You can make it by leaving it out on your kitchen counter overnight. But the refrigerator is recommended because you get your cold brew concentrate perfectly nice and cold in the morning for iced coffee. But if it won’t fit, you don’t have to put it in the refrigerator. 

Is cold brew coffee less acidic than hot brewed?

Yes! Cold-brew is less acidic than hot-brewed coffee.

According to a study by Thomas Jefferson University researchers, “Cold brew coffees across all three roast temperatures were slightly less acidic than their hot brew counterparts.” However, it’s also found that the beans’ roasts may have a greater effect on the coffee’s acidity than the brewing method.

Does cold brew coffee have more caffeine?

Yes, it has more caffeine than other coffee brews. It’s due to the long brew method used to concentrate cold brew.

How long is cold brew good for?

It is good for up to two weeks when refrigerated as a concentrate in an airtight jar. Its shelf life decreases after adding sugar or milk. It’s best to make your cold brew coffee fresh and leave the concentrate in the refrigerator.

I only have finely ground coffee. Can I still make cold brew in a French press?

Yes! You can brew it with a French press, but it might taste slightly bitter. And it is highly likely to slink past your French press filter, and you get a grainy cold brew.

Don’t worry; both can be fixed. Before depressing the plunger, you should use a coffee filter over the French press’s mouth. You can also use a paper filter on a jar and pour the cold brew concentrate into it.

To avoid over-extracting, you should shorten the brewing time by 25 to 50%. Or you can use fewer coffee grounds (½-¾ cup) as well.

What are the best coffee beans for cold brew coffee?

Dark roast beans generally work best for a rich and ultra-smooth taste. It would be best if you started with your favorite coffee bean variety.