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25 Surprising Effects Coffee Has on Your Body (With Infographic)

We all love that first (or maybe third) cup of coffee in the morning, but have you ever wondered how coffee affects your body? We’ve dug into the science behind your favorite brew to bring you this list of surprising, research-backed effects.

Here’s some great news for coffee lovers: studies show that coffee drinkers live longer! A recent Spanish study found that people drinking four cups daily had an impressive 64% lower risk of dying. Keep reading to learn more about the fascinating ways coffee can impact your body.

What is Caffeine and How Does It Affect You?

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that can make you feel more awake and alert by reducing feelings of tiredness. It helps improve focus, enhances mood, and can even relieve headaches or migraines. Since caffeine absorbs through your stomach into your bloodstream, it takes about one to two hours to feel the full effects.

However, too much caffeine can bring unwanted symptoms like heartburn and nausea. Experts recommend keeping caffeine intake under 400 milligrams per day. With the average cup of coffee containing 95 milligrams, you can safely enjoy about four cups of coffee each day.

Image Credit: CoffeeAffection

How Much Coffee Do You Drink?

The effect coffee has on your body depends largely on how much you consume. While you’ll get some benefits from just one or two cups, the sweet spot for the most positive effects and fewest drawbacks is three to five cups per day. Keep in mind that a cup is 8 ounces, so if your mug is larger, you might need to adjust your intake.

One to Two Cups of Coffee:

  • Increased alertness
  • Reduced drowsiness and fatigue
  • Improved mood
  • Few or no caffeine side effects like headaches or heartburn
  • May be safe during pregnancy

Three to Five Cups of Coffee:

Six or More Cups of Coffee:

  • Jitters and anxiety
  • 22% higher risk of heart disease
  • Possible fertility and osteoporosis issues
  • Higher chance of caffeine withdrawal symptoms

Why Does Coffee Have These Effects?

While many short-term benefits of coffee come from caffeine, researchers believe that some of the long-term benefits—like reduced cancer risk and lower mortality—may be due to compounds called polyphenols. These are micronutrients found in plants that have powerful antioxidant properties.

Effects of Coffee on Your Body: The Bottom Line

So, what’s the takeaway? Coffee doesn’t just wake you up—it can also provide a range of health benefits. Drinking three to five cups a day could boost your mood, lower your risk of depression, and even reduce the chances of developing certain cancers, memory problems, and obesity. You might even lower your risk of early death!

However, be cautious of going overboard. Drinking six or more cups could lead to side effects like jitters, anxiety, and caffeine withdrawal, as well as increase your chances of long-term health issues like heart disease and osteoporosis.

Featured Image credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock